Restoring Your Pre-Pregnancy Svelte Appeal
For most women, motherhood is considered to be one of their most beautiful, amazing, wonderful, and bittersweet experience in life. Being a mother singles you out from the rest of humanity because you bore life out of your own body and you’re about to raise your offspring to be good individuals one day. They even say that being a mother is actually the real essence of being a woman. So be it. Many women will tell you about the many beautiful things that motherhood brings to a woman.
A child, the joys of being a bearer of life, and, well, weight gain, stretch marks, and the loss of good skin integrity. After a woman gives birth, she loses the integrity or tautness of her supple skin, and if she chooses to breastfeed, gravity and the infant’s latch-on force can leave her breasts looking saggy and wrinkly. After childbirth, her striae gravidarum on the abdomen will then give way to stretch marks and loose skin folds which many women think are unattractive additions to their features. It’s no wonder why there are mothers who worry about losing their formerly svelte or shapely figure after they have their first child.
It’s also no wonder why many women reduce themselves to a depressive state when they realize that what with raising a child and running a household all at once, they’ll scarcely have all the time in the world to take care of themselves and restore their formerly lovely figure. Where your calorie-burning bouts with taking care of your baby and raising your other kids as well cannot help you to get that trim figure you’ve always had, it’s good to know that there is a beacon of hope that you can count on. That’s where the Mummy Makeover cosmetic surgery procedure becomes significant to boosting your self-esteem.
Mummy Makeover Procedures
The Mummy Makeover is basically a package of cosmetic surgery procedures which were put together by surgeons who also experienced the figure pangs of post-pregnancy to help women restore the figure that they’ve always had before they gave birth. The procedures which are involved in the Mummy Makeover includes breast reduction, tummy tuck, face lift, breast lift, skin rejuvenation, breast enhancement for saggy breasts, and body contouring.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck is the layman term for abdominoplasty. It is a surgical procedure which aims to flatten and tighten the tummy area, thereby getting rid of flab and loose skin folds. This is performed by removing a significant amount of fat and skin on the lower or middle part of the abdomen. The skin will be stapled with dissolvable sutures to prevent scarring.
Mastopexy or breast lift aims to lift or reshape breasts that have unfortunately succumbed to sagging. This procedure will help to give the breasts a better and more voluminous shape. A fuller set of breasts prove to look more youthful and sexier even for nursing mothers, you see.
For women who need to have their breast size curbed, breast reduction procedure targets the removal of excess fat or skin surgically and some breast tissues. The nipple may also be repositioned depending on your aesthetic needs.
Face lift procedures
Face lift procedures are also included in the Mummy Makeover package because these help to keep the skin of the neck and face taut and looking youthful as always.
All in all, motherhood is a wonderful experience. But as a woman, it will always be up to you how you’d manage to look good and glowing as you nurse and raise your child and take care of your family. Get to know more about the Mummy Makeover cosmetic surgery series with your GP today and find out how you can get one for yourself.
What are the risks associated with this procedure?
Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.
Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.